Powerful compressor
Particle size 3μm
Nebulizer kit
Compact design
Low noise
Pediatric mask
Adult mask
Air hose
Nebulizer cup
5 air filters
User Manual
Vitaneb Handy is a simple and easy to use nebulizer with a powerful compressor. It´s designed to deliver the prescribed medication solution to treat patient respiratory disorders, such as asthma, allergies and bronchitis. The nebulizer converts the medication solution into an aerosolized mist which is inhaled by the patient through the mouthpiece or masks.
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За секој 100 ден добивате 1 поен а секој поен вреди 5 денари.
Пример: доколку ги нарачате Ozone Gold - Ozone Factor капсулите кој чинат 1550 ден, вие добивате 15 поени кој можете да ги искористите во наредната нарачка за попуст од 75 денари.
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